Friday, April 13, 2007

Apparently - It's In The Stars!

The TAURUS zodiac forecast for today.........bought to you by Jonathan Cainer and Crew
(and it's Friday the 13th too!!!)

Do you really need me to confirm that your life is about to alter for the better? I think not. You are intuitive and have moved far enough along the path now to know the answer yourself. Even if it is a fairly tortuous route of two steps forward, one step back, you are making progress. You are gaining clarity and inspiration. Today an unexpected twist elevates your mood. This should be a persuasive reminder that you can't push the tide of change; it turns on its own.

Now I'll just make another wish upon a star............................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's some eerie horoscope! Thanks for welcoming me to blogging world. I would start my own but I'm not sure how it's done!


Oh, I'm an adoptee also.

14/4/07, 1:27 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've never been a very patient person but adoption seems to really play on that. it's all about waiting. hurry up and wait."it's not the right time".yeah i know all about waiting. it blows..



14/4/07, 11:13 am  
Blogger Doughnut said...

I have never been big into my "horriblescope". More of a curiousity than anything. Did you get or do the twist in your mood yesterday? This horoscope sounds more like the hokey-pokey...put your left foot in, put your left foot out and shakey it all about....yeah one step forward and two back....

Hoping for positive, healthy changes soon for you Poss!

14/4/07, 11:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Cow... talk about horoscope!! Wow thats eerie... but true.
The winds of change do take time, try to remember patience.
Hugs and love to ya poss :)

15/4/07, 7:18 am  

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